Helping in the Community with Family and Friends

If you have read the “About” page, you will see that I am a grateful believer in Jesus Christ.  When I started this little side business, God made it clear to me that I should use it for HIS glory.  I have been able to provide some financial support to two families by selling custom made items unique to their situation.  Each family received over $1000.  100% of the profit went to these families.  Below are the items we chose to sell for each family and a little bit about their story.

Meet the Michael family

Joel and Ashley and their beautiful children Bailey, Devin, Ethan, and Luke

Late on the night of March 25 I received a text that a two year old had drowned. They had been able to resuscitate him but his prognosis did not look good. Two days later Darryl and I visited the family in the hospital and prayed over their sweet baby, Luke. In that room that night we prayed and believed that God had big plans for Luke. Luke is doing amazing today. He and his family have spent countless hours in therapy and treatments. The progress he has made is unexplainable to many but we know we serve a BIG GOD.  The treatments were expensive though and many not covered by insurance, so I turned to Holley Graphics to help them raise a little money. We sold Christmas ornaments that say “Luke the Little but Mighty”.  Ashley and Joel helped in the process of designing the ornament.  Each part of the ornament has a special meaning. The red ornament is for the blood of Jesus who came as a baby to save us. The heart is for the love that God has for us. The cross is the suffering and resurrection of Jesus that he endured for us so we could be as white as snow before God, which is the white lettering.  This special ornament can remind everyone of the baby that came to save the world, JESUS, and the baby HE sent to help change the world, Luke the Little but mighty.

Meet the Wilson Family

Tyler and Erika and their beautiful children Adelaide and Chandler

I don’t even know where to begin, y’all.  This sweet family entered our life.  They started off as a couple when we met them and spent precious time just hanging out with me and Darryl.  Since then, they added their sweet Addie and share her with us.  Just recently they added another addition, sweet little boy, Chandler.  Chandler had transposition of the great artery and had to undergo heart surgery when he was six days old.  We knew that God had HIS hand over this and all would be well.  And…it is.  Chandler is currently healthy and thriving.  Using Holley Graphics I wanted to help them with some of the medical expenses that they had.  We decided to make a t-shirt.  Tyler and Erika helped in the design of the shirt.  They wanted to share the scripture that God laid on their hearts to pray over Chandler even before he was born.  We know God has big plans for this sweet baby.

Psalm 139:13-16

For you formed my inward parts;   you knitted me together in my mother’s womb.  I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.  Wonderful are your works;  my soul knows it very well.  My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret,   intricately woven in the depths of the earth.  Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me,when as yet there was none of them.